VIU Campus

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The best way to get comfortable navigating VIULearn is to spend time in the system. If you are new to VIULearn, you can self-enroll in our Student Orientation course or the Technology Orientation for Employees course to learn more about VIULearn and just get experience moving through a course from the student perspective before you start building a course of your own. 

The information below will introduce you to the main navigational elements of VIULearn by looking at your My Home and Course Home pages. 

Navigating the My Home Page

My Home is the first page that will open when you log in to VIULearn. The My Home page is made up of four sections:  Click on the info spots on the image below, or scroll down to read written descriptions of these sections.

The mini bar appears at the top of all pages in VIULearn and contains the following:

  • VIU Logo: Click on this logo in the upper left hand corner of the page at any time to return to the My Home page.

  • Course Selector: Click on this logo (waffle icon) from any page in VIULearn to see a list of your courses and to navigate to another course. 

  • Message Alerts: Click on this envelope icon to access the Email tool and to view your email alerts.

  • Subscription Alerts: Click on this message icon to see notifications of activities and topics you have subscribed to. 

  • Update Alerts: Click on this bell icon to see notifications of activities that you have subscribed to such as new announcements or updated course content. 

  • Personal Menu: Click on your name or your profile icon to access your Account Settings, Notifications Settings, Role Switch, and to Log off of VIULearn. 

While on your VIULearn My Home page, you will be able to see and access the My Home navigation bar. The My Home navigation bar links to the following tools: 

  • ePortfolio: Is a digital portfolio tool that allows learners to create digital portfolios of their work. Learners can even attach ePortfolio Items to Assignment Submission folders, Quiz responses, and Discussion posts. 

  • Discover: Is where learners and faculty can register for free courses available through VIULearn. 

  • Learning Matters: Is a website created to help support students in their learning. 

  • Quick Eval: Is a tool that gathers unevaluated Assignments, Discussions, and Quizzes across all your courses into a single location for management and evaluation.

  • VIULearn Help: This link will take you to the area on our website which contains support materials for using VIULearn.

  • VIUTube:This link will take you to VIUTube where you can upload, create, and share videos.

Below the My Home Navigation bar, you will see the My Courses area. You may see courses pinned automatically or you may need to pin your courses manually. Pinned courses will appear at the top of the All tab as well as in the Pinned tab of the My Courses Widget. You can find resources on how to find and pin courses in VIULearn on our Access Courses Webpage

In the support area, you will see the Faculty News Widget. The Faculty News Widget will contain important notices or updates from the Centre for Innovation and Excellence in Learning in regards to VIULearn. 

Navigating Course Home

The Course Home page is the first page that will load when you enter a course. There are six sections to the Course Home page.

The course navigation bar appears on every page within your course. This bar contains links to your course content and to the following tools:

  • Course Home: Click this to be taken back to the Course Home page.

  • Content: Tool where you can upload and present course materials to your learners.

  • Assessment
    • Assignments: Tool where you can collect and assess assignments. 

    • Grades: Tool where you can create a gradebook which will allow you to collect and organize learner's grades in the course.

    • Quizzes: Tool where you can create and administer quizzes. 

    • Class Progress: Tool where you can view learner's overall progress through the course. 

    • Awards: Tool where you can create and issue badges and certificates to students.

  • Communication
    • Classlist: Tool where you can view and manage all the users that have been enrolled in the course.

    • Discussions: Tool where you can create discussions topics for learners to engage in with other peers in the course.

    • Groups: Tool where you can create and sort learners into groups. 

  • Faculty Tools
    • Course Admin: Tool that contains administrator features regarding the course and additional tools you can utilize. 

    • Manage Files: This area contains all the files that have been uploaded to the course.

    • Course Builder: Tool that will assist in building your course content and activities. 

  • Help
    • VIULearn Help: This link will take you to the area on our website which contains support materials for using VIULearn.

    • Learning Matters: This link will take you to Learning Matters, which is a website created to help support students in their learning. 

  • VIUTube: This area allows you to upload and manage your VIUTube videos directly within VIULearn.

More information regarding theses tool can be found on our website. 

The Announcements tool can be used to share important information with your learners. Users can subscribe to Announcements under Notification Settings in VIULearn to receive email notifications when a new Announcement is made available. You can set up Announcements to display at as specific date and time or to specific learners based on Release Conditions.

For more information on Announcements please view the Announcements Webpage

The Updates area alerts you to new Discussion posts, Assignments and Quiz submissions, and emails. Clicking on an alert will take you to that tool within the VIULearn course. 

The Quick Eval widget shows you assignments, quizzes, and discussions that have not yet been assessed. You can click on a listed assessment to go straight to the assessment interface. 

You can add Bookmarks to Content pages to make them easier to find later. Pages that have been bookmarked will show up on the Course Home page in the Bookmarks Widget. You can click on the bookmarked page to navigate directly from the Course Home page to that place in Content. 

The Calendar will display upcoming events that you have scheduled for the course such as Assignment Due Dates and End Dates for date restricted materials. You can click on the Calendar to enter the Calendar tool and create events for learners.

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