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The ePortfolio tool in VIULearn is a great resource for storing, organizing, reflecting on, and sharing items that showcase your learning. You can use this tool to display a wide arrange of items such as documents, images, videos, audio, presentations, and more to your peers, teachers, and potential employers.

This guide will walk you through the major steps involved in using the ePortfolio tool in VIULearn. The instructions on this page are a Getting Started guide and do not contain information on all possibilities available in the ePortfolio tool.

If you have any questions or need additional support with the ePortfolio tool please contact us

Access Your ePortfolio

  1. In your web browser, go to and log in using your Student Number and VIU Computer Account Password.

  2. From the Homepage, click on ePortfolio located in the My Home navigation bar. 

Artifacts and Reflections

To begin creating your ePortfolio, you will need to upload any necessary files that you would like to display as Artifacts. These Artifacts can then be added and organized in an ePortfolio, which are called Presentations on VIULearn.

You can also add context to your Artifacts and/or express your overall growth as a learner by adding Reflections to your ePortfolio.

  1. From the Home page in VIULearn, click on ePortfolio located in the My Home navigation bar.

  2. Click on the My Items tab. 

  3. Click on the blue Add button. From the dropdown menu, select File Upload. 

  4. Drag and drop your files into the upload field or click the Upload button and locate the file you wish to upload. 

  5. Once the file has finished uploading, click the blue Add button.

  6. Click the blue Next button. 

  7. If you choose, give the Artifact a new name and a description. If you wish, you can also add tags to your Artifact in order to make it easier to search for later. 

  8. Once you have finished editing, click the blue Save button. 

  9. Change any other settings you feel are necessary. Once you are ready, click the blue Save and Close button at the bottom of the screen. 

  1. From the Home page in VIULearn, click on ePortfolio located in the My Home navigation bar.

  2. Click on the My Items tab. 

  3. Click on the blue Add button. From the dropdown menu, select Reflections

  4. Give your Reflection a title and type out your reflection and add any media or links necessary. 

    Please note: 
    If you wish to insert an image, the image must already be uploaded to your ePortfolio as an Artifact. Videos can be added using an embed code.

  5. If you wish, you can also add tags to your reflection in order to make it easier to search for later. 

  6. Once you have finished editing, click the blue Save and Close button.

Warning: Do not delete artifacts that are currently being used in a presentation. Deleting an artifact that is currently being used in a presentation will cause the presentation to break, and you won’t be able to remove the artifact or reflection from the presentation or be able upload the presentation to an assignment submission folder in VIULearn. 

  1. From the Home page in VIULearn, click on ePortfolio located in the My Home navigation bar.

  2. Click on the My Items tab.

  3. Select the artifacts and reflections you would like to delete by clicking the circular checkbox beside each item.

  4. Click the More Actions button. From the dropdown menu, Select Delete

  5. Click the blue Yes button to confirm the deletion.

You may also wish to download your ePortfolio Artifacts and Reflections to share it with others, put it on your own website, or to keep it for your own records. 

  1. Access your ePortfolio by clicking ePortfolio on the My Home navigation bar. 

  2. Click the arrow to the right of the title of the item you want to export and choose Export from the menu that appears. 

  3. To include any associated reflections or artifacts with the item you are exporting, check the box for Automatically include associated items. 

  4. Click the blue Next button 

  5. You will see a loading screen while your export is being processed. 

  6. Once the export is ready, click on the blue link to download the zip file.

  7. Once you have downloaded the file, click Close


Once you have a few Artifacts and Reflections created, you can organize them all into an ePortfolio, which is known as a Presentation in VIULearn. 

  1. From the Home page in VIULearn, click on ePortfolio, which is located in the My Home navigation bar.

  2. Click the New Presentation text on the right hand side of the screen. 

  3. Give your Presentation a name. If you wish, you can also give your Presentation a description and some tags in order to make it easier to search for later.

  4. Once you have finished editing, click the blue Save button. 

  1. From the Home page in VIULearn, click on ePortfolio, which is located in the My Home navigation bar. 

  2. Find the the Presentation you would like to add Pages, Artifacts, and Reflections to and click the downward arrow beside it. Select Edit from the dropdown menu to be taken to the Edit Presentation screen.  

  3. Click the Content/Layout tab. 

  4. Under the Pages heading, click on the New Page icon. 

  5.  In the Page Name field, give your Page a title.

  6. Once you have finished editing, click the blue Save button. 

  1. In the ePortfolio tool, find and click the downward arrow next to the Presentation you wish to edit. Click Edit from the dropdown menu. 

  2. Click the Content/Layout tab. 

  3. Click on the name of the page you would like to add an Artifact or Reflection to underneath the Pages heading.

  4. Click the Add Component button. 

  5. From the the pop up menu, choose either Artifact or Reflection.  

  6. Select any Artifacts or Reflections you would like to add and click the blue Add button. 

  1. In the ePortfolio tool, find and click the downward arrow beside your Presentation.

  2. From the dropdown menu, click View. The Presentation will open in a new window. 


  1. While editing your presentation, click the View Presentation text. The presentation will open in a new window. 

Text Areas can be useful in your ePortfolio for inserting content into your presentation without having the mandatory headings and time displays that are required with Reflections. 

  1. In the VIULearn ePortfolio tool, create a new presentation or find and click the downward arrow next to the Presentation you would like to edit. Click Edit from the dropdown menu. 

  2. In the Edit Presentation screen, click the Content/Layout tab. 

  3. Navigate to the Page you want to add a Text Area to by clicking on the appropriate Page Title underneath the Pages heading. 

  4. Click the Add Component button. 

  5. From the pop up menu, scroll down and select Text Area

  6. Give your Text Area a Name, and type your text into the Content field. 

  7. You may also insert media and links using the Insert Stuff and Quicklink buttons.
    • If inserting an image, the image must already be uploaded to your ePortfolio as an Artifact.

    • If inserting a video, you must use grab an embed code to a YouTube or VIUTube video. 

  8. Once you are finished, click the white Save and Close button. 
  1. In the ePortfolio too, find and click the downward arrow next to the Presentation you wish to edit. Select Edit from the dropdown menu. 

  2. Click the Content/Layout tab. 

  3. Click the Reorder Icon to changes the order of the pages.

  4. In the SortOrder column, click on the number you want to change.

  5. From the dropdown menu, select the number you would like the Page to appear in. 

  6. Click the blue Save button. 
  1. In the ePortfolio too, find and click the downward arrow next to the Presentation you wish to edit. Select Edit from the dropdown menu. 

  2. Click the Content/Layout tab. 

  3. Navigate to the Page that has the Artifacts, Text Areas, and/or Reflections that you want to change the order of.

  4. On the right hand side of the Content Area field, click on the Up or Down arrows to move the Artifacts, Text Areas, and Reflections on the Page. 

  1. In the ePortfolio too, find and click the downward arrow next to the Presentation you wish to edit. Select Edit from the dropdown menu. 

  2. Click the Content/Layout tab. 

  3. Click the downward arrow beside the page you would like to delete. From the dropdown menu, select Delete

  4. Click the blue Yes button to confirm. 

  1. In the ePortfolio too, find and click the downward arrow next to the Presentation you wish to edit. Select Edit from the dropdown menu. 

  2. Click the Content/Layout tab. 

  3. Click the Remove Icon (X) next to the artifact, reflection or text area you would like to delete. 

  4. Click the blue Yes or Okay button in the pop-up that opens to confirm the action.  

    Note: Deleting a Text Area from a Presentation will permanently delete it from the ePortfolio tool.

  1. In the ePortfolio tool, find and click the downward arrow next to the Presentation you wish to edit. Click Edit from the dropdown menu. 

  2. Click the Theme tab.

  3. Scroll down to see all the pre-loaded themes available. Once you have found a theme you think you might like, you can choose to preview the theme on your Presentation by clicking on the Preview icon in the right hand column.  

  4. Once you have found a new theme, click the Select button underneath the theme description. 

  5. Click the blue Set Theme button. 

  6. To customize your theme, click the Edit Styles Icon. 

  1. Find and click on the Presentation you wish to edit. Select Edit from the dropdown menu.

  2. Click the Banner tab. 

  3. Enter in a title for your banner in the Banner Title field. If you would prefer to have no text on your banner, leave this input field blank.

  4. Enter in a description for your banner in the Banner Description field. For most themes, the banner title will appear on the left and the banner description will appear on the right.

  5. Once you are finished editing, click the blue Save button

  1. Find and click on the Presentation you wish to edit. Select Edit from the dropdown menu.

  2. Click on the Theme tab. 

  3. Click on the Edit Styles Icon.  

  4. Click Banner Image from the options menu on the right hand side of the screen. 

  5. Underneath the Background Image file, click the Add File button. If your Banner already has an image, click the X icon beside the name of your banner image to remove it. 

  6. Drag and drop your image into the upload field or click the Upload button and locate the image you wish to upload. 

  7. Click the blue Add button. 

  8. Once you have finished editing your banner image, click the blue Save button at the bottom of the screen. 

You may also wish to download your ePortfolio Presentation to share it with others, put it on your own website, or to keep it for you own records. 

To Export your ePortfolio Presentation:
  1. From the VIULearn homepage, click the ePortfolio tab. 

  2. Find the ePortfolio Presentation you would like to download and click the downward arrow to the right of it. 

  3. From the dropdown menu, click Export

  4. Choose an export format:
    • Export HTML version of the presentation: This export format will allow you to view your presentation offline and to share it with others by giving them the file or by uploading it to your own personal website.

    • Export presentation to an ePortfolio package: This export format will allow you to save your presentation and upload it to another Brightspace ePortfolio system. You will not be able to view your presentation in this format unless you upload it to another Brightspace system.

  5. Click the blue Next button.
  6. Once your Presentation has finished processing, you will see a download link. Click on the link to download a zip file containing your export. 

Sharing Artifacts or Presentations

  1. Click the downward arrow next to the Artifact or Presentation you wish to share. Click Share from the dropdown menu. 

  2. Click the blue Add Users and Groups button. 

  3. Use the search bar at the top of the page to search for the users or groups you wish to share your ePortfolio item with. Once you have searched for the users or groups you wish to add, click on them to share the ePortfolio item with them.

  4. Assign the permissions you wish to grant to the users or groups you are sharing your ePortfolio item with. 

  5. Once you are ready, click the blue Share button to share with the selected users your ePortfolio item. 

  6. If you wish to edit your Visibility Options, you can do so by clicking the Show Visibility Options text. You can then choose to make your item always visible, never visible, or set a length of time that users can view your item.

  7. When you are finished, click the gray Save button to save your changes. 
  1. Click the downward arrow next to the Artifact or Presentation you wish to share. Click Share from the dropdown menu. 

  2. Check the box next to the names of the users you wish to send an invite email to.

  3. Click the grey Send Invite button.  

  4. Enter a message into the input field provided. 

  5. If you wish to receive a copy of this email, click the checkbox next to the Send me a copy of the invitation text.

  6. Click the blue Send button. 
  1. Select Assessment > Assignments from the course navigation bar. 

  2. Click on the Assignment Submission folder you wish to submit to. 

  3. Click the Add File button. 

  4. Click ePortfolio.

  5. Select the ePortfolio item you wish to upload. 

  6. Click the blue Select Item button to begin the upload. 

  7. Once your ePortfolio item is uploaded, click the blue Submit button.