VIU Campus
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Media Library

All media that you upload directly to your VIUBlog site (such as images, PDF documents, PowerPoint slides, etc) will be added to your media library. Content stored in your media library will be ordered by upload date. 

Any content uploaded, embedded, or linked to on VIUBlogs is subject to Canadian copyright law. Please ensure that your content is either appropriately licensed, falls under Fair Dealing, or is your own. Ensure you have the license or permission to publish the content online, or ensure that the site and/or content is password protected and only accessible to your students. Please make sure to advise your students of appropriate use and sharing of copyright protected content.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Copyright Office at and review the copyright Instructors Guide.

You can add media to your VIUBlog site one at a time by uploading it directly to the block you wish to have that media be displayed in in the post/page editor screen. Alternatively, you may wish to upload all the media you plan to use on your site at once by uploading the media to the Media Library.

  1. From the Dashboard of your VIUBlog site, click Media.

  2. Click the Add New button.

  3. Drag and drop the file(s) you wish to add to your media library into the upload field. Alternatively, click the Select Files button and find and select the file(s) you wish to upload.

  4. Your media will begin to upload.
  1. From the Dashboard of your VIUBlog site, click Media.

  2. Click on the media you wish to edit.

  3. By default, the title of your media will be the title of the file you uploaded to VIUBlogs. You can change or edit this title by typing into the Title input field.

  4. You can add a caption and a description to your media if you wish.

  5. Once you have finished, click the X icon in the upper right hand corner of the page to close the page and save your changes.

Please Note: If you delete media in your media library that has been embedded or used somewhere else on your VIUBlog site, the embed will break and users will encounter an error when they attempt to view it. If you would like to delete media from your media library, make sure it is not being used anywhere else on your VIUBlog site.

  1. From the Dashboard of your VIUBlog site, click Media.

  2. Click the Bulk Select button.

  3. Click on the media you wish to delete. 

  4. Click the Delete Permanently button.

  5. Click the OK button.