VIU Campus
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VIU Learning Technology Orientation Course

If you are new to VIULearn or if you would like a refresher on how to navigate and use the platform, you may be interested in the VIULearn Student Orientation course available through Discover in VIULearn.

The VIULearn Student Orientation course is a free, non-credit course. The orientation is self-paced and takes 30-90 minutes to explore. This course contains information about how to use VIULearn, including:

  • How to navigate courses.
  • Customizing your VIULearn settings.
  • Completing course activities and assignments.
  • Communicating with Instructors and Peers.
  • Viewing grades and user progress.
  • Other VIULearn tools.

Register for the VIULearn Student Orientation Course

  1. Once you are logged into VIULearn, click Discover near the top left hand corner of your My Home page.
  2. Click on the course tile for the VIULearn Student Orientation Course.
  3. The course description will appear. Click the blue Enroll in Course button.
  4. A pop-up will appear confirming your registration in the course. Click OK to close this message. 
  5. After that, click on Open Course to go to the course or click the VIU logo in the upper left corner of the screen to return to your My Home page.