VIU Campus
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In your site settings, you can customize a number of settings related to comments left on your VIUBlog site. You can customize the following settings:

  • Email Notifications: Manage email notifications for when new comments are posted. 

  • When Comments Appear: Manage when a comment appears on your site. These settings can be edited so that comments are published and approved automatically on your site.

  • Comment Moderation: Comments will be held for moderation when they contain one or more of the following keywords that you have inserted.

  • Disallowed Comment Keywords: Comments are automatically sent to trash when they contain one or more of the following keywords that you have inserted. 
  1. From the Dashboard of your site, click Settings.

  2. Click Discussion from the navigation sidebar.

  3. Edit any necessary settings.

  4. Click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the page to save any changes you have made.

Manage Comments

Depending on the settings you choose for comments on your site, you may need to approve comments before they are published. You can also delete comments that you do not want to keep or mark comments as spam. 

  1. From the Dashboard of your site, click Comments.

  2. You will be taken to a screen where you will be able to see and manage all the pending and approved comments that have been created on your VIUBlog site. Any comments that are pending and have not been published on your site will be highlighted red. Approved comments are highlighted blue.

    You can filter to only see comments that are pending by clicking Pending at the top of the screen. 

  3. Click the checkbox next to the comment(s) you wish to approve. In the Bulk actions field, select Approve.

  4. Click the Apply button.
  1. From the Dashboard of your site, click Comments.

  2. Click the checkbox next to the comment(s) you wish to delete. In the Bulk actions field, select Move to Trash.

  3. Click the Apply button.

  4. The comment(s) will be moved to the trash area. If you wish to permanently deleted comments in your trash area, click the Trash text at the top of the screen. Then, click the Empty Trash button to delete all the comments in the trash.

Sometimes a comment that a user posts on your site may be accidentally marked as spam. In these cases, you will want to go to the spam area in order to approve these comments. Alternatively, if these comments are actually spam, you may wish to permanently delete these comments. 

  1. From the Dashboard of your site, click Comments.

  2. At the top of the page, click Spam. 

  3. Click the checkbox next to the comment(s) in question. In the Bulk actions field, select Not Spam to move these comments to the pending area. Alternatively, select Delete Permanently to delete these spam comments. 

  4. Click the Apply button.

  5. If you marked the spam comment as not spam, you will still need to approve the comment in the pending area before the comment is visible to other visitors of your site.