VIU Campus
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Add Media from YouTube

In VIUTube, it is possible to add a YouTube video to your account. Doing so will allow you to create a VIUTube video quiz using that publicly available YouTube video.

Please Note: Adding a YouTube video to your VIUTube account does not create a copy or backup of that video. If the video is deleted or removed from YouTube, the VIUTube version of that video will also become unavailable. YouTube videos are protected by copyright and should never be downloaded or imported without permission from the media owner. Embedding the YouTube link as described below allows you to share an embedded YouTube link in a VIUTube playlist or attach a VIUTube quiz to that media without creating a copy of the media. 

Add Media from YouTube to your VIUTube Account

  1. Click Manage Media to navigate to your Media Library. 

  2. Click the Upload button. 

  3. Select the Link tab. From the dropdown menu, click YouTube. 

  4. Fill in the information as shown below.
    • YouTube Link: The direct link to the YouTube video.
    • Title: Enter a title for the VIUTube version of the video.
    • Description: Enter a description for the VIUTube version of the video if you wish. 

  5. Confirm that Embed YouTube Link is selected

  6. Once done, click on Start Upload.