VIU Campus
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VIUBlogs offers five different roles that users on your site can have. When you create a site you are automatically set as the site administrator. If you add additional users to your site, you can choose any of the roles described below to allow that user the level of access you want them to have to edit your site. 

Administrator: Somebody who has access to all the administration features within a single site.

Editor: Somebody who can publish and manage posts including the posts of other users.

Author: Somebody who can publish and manage their own posts.

Contributor: Somebody who can write and manage their own posts but cannot publish them.

Subscriber: Somebody who can only manage their profile and view the site.

Change a User's Role

Once you have added someone to your site, you can change their role at any time. 

  1. Log into VIUBlogs and go to your site dashboard. 

  2. Click Users. 

  3. Check the box next to the user whose role you want to change. 

  4. Click the Change role to... drop down menu and select the appropriate role. 

  5. Click Change to update the user's role.