VIU Campus
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Create a Survey

The VIULearn Survey tool can be used to create a survey to gather feedback from your students. Surveys cannot be graded and can be set to anonymous if you want to give your student the opportunity to provide feedback that does not have their name attached.

  1. From the course navigation bar, select Faculty Tools and then Course Admin.

  2. Select Surveys. If your Course Administration area is sorted by category, Surveys will be under Assessment.

  3. Click the blue New Survey button.

  4. Give your Survey a name.

  5. In the Properties tab, you can edit the following settings:
    • Category: You can organize your surveys within the Survey tool by assigning them to categories you have created. Click the add category text to create and attach a new Category.
    • Feedback: Choose if you would like to give the student instant feedback regarding their choices.
    • Anonymous: Choose whether you would like to make student's responses to the survey anonymous. Doing so will mean you will not be able to tell which student submitted which response. Please Note: Once you have made your survey anonymous, it cannot be changed or reverted back to a not-anonymous survey.
    • Add/Edit Questions: Click this button to add questions from your Question Library to your survey. Once you have added your questions to the survey, you will be able to add page breaks and shuffle questions.
    • Branching Wizard Click this button to create a branching survey. More information regarding branching surveys can be found below underneath the Create a Branching Survey heading.
    • Description/Submission Message/Page Footer: Create a customized message for your students.
      • The Description will be displayed before students begin the survey.
      • The Submission Message will be displayed after students have submitted their survey response.
      • The Page Footer will be displayed at the bottom of the page while students are completing the survey.
    • Invite Participants: Send an email to your students requesting that they complete the survey.

  6. In the Restrictions tab, you can edit the following properties:
    • Hide from Users: By default, your survey will be set to be hidden from users. Uncheck this setting to allow your learners to see and take the survey.
    • Availability: Assign the Survey a Start or End Date.
      • Start Date: When a Start Date has been assigned to a survey, students will not be able to begin an attempt at the survey until the Start Date has passed.
      • End Date: When an End Has has been assigned to a survey, students will not be able to begin or re-enter their attempt at the survey after the End Date has passed.

    • Attempts Allowed: Choose how many times a student can submit a survey. There are three different options:
      • Unlimited: The user can take the survey as many times as they choose. Each attempt is recorded separately.
      • Single attempt that is editable: The user can take the survey once, but can re-access the survey to edit their responses as long as the survey is still available to them.
      • Limited: The user can take the survey a certain amount of times. Each attempt is recorded separately.

    • Special Access: In the Special Access tool, you can give students an alternative Start or End Date. You can also assign the survey so that only Special Access students will be able to see and take the survey.

  7. In the Reports Setup Tab, you can set up a report. Doing so will allow you to export the results of your survey to an CSV or Excel format.

  8. Once you have finished editing, click the blue Save and Close button.

Once you have created a survey, you may need to edit it later. You can edit all properties relating to a single survey by clicking on the name of the survey. Alternatively, you can edit some common properties on a number of surveys at once by using the Bulk Edit button.

Edit a Single Survey

  1. From the course navigation bar, select Faculty Tools and then Course Admin.

  2. Underneath the Assessment heading, select Surveys.

  3. On the Manage Surveys page, click on the survey you want to edit.

  4. Make your changes and click Save.

Manage multiple surveys at the same time. You can edit common properties such as survey name, category, and visibility status.

  1. From the course navigation bar, select Faculty Tools and then Course Admin.

  2. Underneath the Assessment heading, select Surveys.

  3. On the Manage Surveys page, select the check box beside each survey you want to edit.

  4. Click Bulk Edit.

  5. Make your changes, then click Save.

You can re-order the questions in your survey and customize the order they appear in for your students by following these steps:

  1. From the course navigation bar, select Faculty Tools and then Course Admin.

  2. Underneath the Assessment heading, select Surveys.

  3. On the Manage Surveys page, click on the survey that contains questions you want to reorder.

  4. Click Add/Edit Questions in the Properties tab.

  5. Click Order.

  6. Select the check box beside the survey question or section you want to reorder, and click the Up or Down arrows to move it through the list.

  7. Click Save.

A copied survey contains all of the questions from the original survey. Copying is a quick and simple way to create a survey that assesses prior and current understanding of course materials.

  1. From the course navigation bar, select Faculty Tools and then Course Admin.

  2. Underneath the Assessment heading, select Surveys.

  3. On the Manage Surveys page, click the More Actions button and select Copy from the dropdown menu.

  4. Select your survey from the Survey to Copy dropdown list.

  5. Edit the copied survey's name in the New Survey Name field.

  6. If you wish for this survey to be visible to student's, uncheck the Hide from Users checkbox.

  7. Select Edit Survey after copy completes if you want to go to the Edit page after creating your copy.

  8. Click Save.
  1. From the course navigation bar, select Faculty Tools and then Course Admin.

  2. Underneath the Assessment heading, select Surveys.

  3. On the Manage Surveys page, click the More Actions button and select Delete from the dropdown menu

  4. Select the check box beside the survey you want to delete.

  5. Click Delete.

  6. Click the blue Yes button to confirm.

Survey Settings

Previewing your survey before you release it is important. You may wish to review what it looks like before you use it. Branching can also be applied to your survey. This is particularly useful if you are using a lot of multiple choice or true and false questions.

The survey preview option allows you to test the accuracy of content before you release a survey. You can answer questions, submit the survey, and preview the description and submission message.

  1. From the course navigation bar, select Faculty Tools and then Course Admin.

  2. Underneath the Assessment heading, select Surveys.

  3. On the Manage Surveys page, click the arrow next to the name of your survey. Select Preview from the dropdown menu.

  4. Once you are done, click Exit Preview to return to the Manage Surveys page.

Create a Branching Survey

If you have Multiple Choice and True or False questions in your survey, it is possible to add branching.

  1. From the course navigation bar, select Faculty Tools and then Course Admin.

  2. Underneath the Assessment heading, select Surveys.

  3. On the Manage Surveys page, click on the survey you want to add branching to.

  4. On the Properties tab, click the Branching Wizard button. The wizard displays a list of the questions in your survey and their corresponding types. Answers are shown for Multiple Choice and True or False questions. You have the option to skip questions or terminate the survey based on the answer to a Multiple Choice or True or False question.

  5. Choose the answers that you want to create a branch from and fill in appropriate branching information.

  6. Click Save.

When branching is used, survey questions are presented one at a time, each on a separate page.

Add a Survey to Content

Learners cannot access surveys from the navigation bar. In order to give your learners access to a survey you must link this activity to Content.

  1. Select Content from the course navigation bar.

  2. Find and click on the Module or Sub-Module you want to add the survey to.

  3. Click the grey Existing Activities button. Select Surveys from the drop-down menu.

  4. Click on the survey you wish to add.