VIU Campus
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Video Quiz

In VIUTube, you can create interactive video quizzes which will allow your learners to test their understanding of concepts while they are watching a video. 

There are seven different types of questions that you can add to a video quiz in VIUTube. 

  • Multiple Choice: Users will be given a question and will be prompted to choose the correct answer from a list of available choices. 

  • Select Multiple: Users will be given a question and will be prompted to choose all correct answers from a list of available choices.
  • Short Answer: Users will be asked to enter an answer into a text box. Instructors will be able to grade and provide feedback on student's responses after they have submitted the video quiz. 

  • True/False: Insert a question or prompt for your students to answer. Students will be asked to choose whether that question or prompt is true or false. 

  • Fill-in-the-Blanks: Allows you to omit one or more words in a statement so users may select an answer to fill into the inserted blanks. 

  • Reflection Pause: A Reflection Point allows you to insert a pause into the video in order to have students reflect on what was said. You can add text to help guide your student's reflection. With Reflection Point's, students are not prompted to insert or select an answer and can continue watching the video anytime they wish by clicking the Continue button. 

  • Decision Point: Can be used to create Choose-Your-Own-Adventure quizzes. You can customize the linear progression of a video based on the response to a proposed Decision Point question. This enables an interactive user experience where video content can be sequenced in a non-linear fashion based on the Decision Point response selected. 
  1. Log in to VIUTube and navigate to your My Media Collection by selecting Manage Media from the top of the screen.

  2. Locate the video you would like to make a video quiz for and hover over it. Select More… from the popup menu. 

  3. Select Quizzes from the Media Details panel to access the Video Quiz Management Tools menu.

  4. Select Create Video Quiz to create a new Video Quiz in the Video Quiz Editor.

  5. Enter a Title for your video quiz at the top of the screen.

  6. Play the video and click Add Question from the bottom of the window to add a question at that point of the video. Select from one of the six question types.

  7. Fill out the question using varied formatting and any desired answer options. You need at least two answer options but can Add Option/Add Possible Answer for more options if desired. For Multiple Choice, Multiple Select, and True or False questions, choose the correct answer(s) by clicking the checkbox next to the response. Add a Hint for students if desired (hints are not available on Reflective Pause or Decision Point questions). 

  8. Enter the desired number of points associated with the question on the right side of the Add Question pane. The number defaults to one. You'll also see the total number of points associated with the video quiz listed as Current Total. Save the question and press Play to continue. 

  9. Select Settings to customize the user experience and Grade Book options.

  10. After you finish building your video quiz, you can choose to Preview the quiz as a student would see it, Save the quiz, or Post the quiz to a Media Channel to share it with your students in VIUTube.

Video Quizzes & VIULearn

If you want to be able to see any details about student responses on a video quiz, you must add your video using the integration between VIUTube and VIULearn. This will automatically connect VIULearn users with their attempts unless students have configured their browser to block this connection. When adding a video quiz to your course, VIULearn will also automatically create and associate a Grade Item to the video quiz. Doing so will mean that as long as your quiz does not contain any Short Answer questions, the results of your video quiz will be automatically transferred and published to the VIULearn Grades tool. 

  1. From the course navigation bar, select Content. 

  2. Navigate into the Module or Sub-Module you wish to add the video quiz into.

  3. Click the grey Existing Activities button and select Add VIUTube Media. 

  4. Click the Quizzes tab. 

  5. Click on the thumbnail of the video quiz you wish to add to the course Content. Then click Insert Content. 

  6. Navigate to the Grades tool and Edit any Grade Items that were created so that they have the appropriate Points and Weight value associated with them. To avoid any calculation errors, you will want to make sure you do this before students have begun submitting to the video quiz.

If you are not using the VIULearn Grades tool, or do not wish to add a video quiz to your gradebook, but would still like to be able to track individual student's responses to a video quiz, you can disconnect the video quiz from the automatically created Grade Item and then delete the Grade Item from the course. 

  1. From the course navigation bar, select Content. 

  2. Navigate into the Module or Sub-Module that contains your video quiz. Then, click on the name of the video quiz in question. 

  3. Click the name of the video quiz again. From the dropdown menu select -- No Grade --.

  4. Click the Save button.

  5. Click Assessment from the course navigation bar. Select Grades from the dropdown menu.

  6. Click the More Actions button. Select Delete from the dropdown menu. 

  7. Click the checkbox next to the Grade Item you wish to delete. Then click the Delete button.

  8. Click Delete again to confirm. 

If you do not need or want to gather details of individual student attempts at a video quiz, you can add your quiz so that all quiz takers are anonymous. You will not be able to mark student's video quiz attempts, see which students have completed the video quiz, or how well specific students did on the video quiz. A VIULearn Grade Item will not be automatically created if using this method. This method is ideal if you would like to add a video quiz to your course for self-assessment purposes. 

  1. Login to VIUTube and hover over the video quiz in question. Select More... from the dropdown menu. 

  2. Click the Quizzes tab.

  3. Click the arrow at the bottom of your video quiz to expand the list of available options.

  4. Copy the Embed Code provided.

  5. Follow the standard steps for Embedding VIUTube Media into a Content Module.