VIU Campus
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The Dashboard of your VIUBlog site is the area of your site that you will be navigating to in order to edit, create, and manage the content, functionality, and appearance of your site. The Dashboard of your site can only be accessed by yourself and other users who have been added as either a Contributor, Author, Editor, or Administrator of your VIUBlog site. How many options will be available in the Dashboard of the site will depend on your role in the site. If you created the site, you will be listed as an Administrator and will have access to all options and settings regarding your site. If you were added by another user as a Contributor, Author, or Editor of the site, you may have limited functionality in the Dashboard.

In the Dashboard you can create, manage, or edit your site. From the left hand menu you can access:

  • Posts: Create and edit blog posts on your site. 
  • Events: Create and add events to your site.
  • Media: Upload media files (Images, PDFs, etc) to be used in your posts and pages. 
  • Pages: Create and edit static pages on your site. 
  • Comments: Manage comments that have been left on your posts. 
  • Contact: Add a contact form to your site. A contact form will allow users to be able to email you regarding your site without them needing to see or know your email address.
  • Appearance: Edit or customize your site theme or add new widgets or menus to your site. 
  • Plugins: Enable additional features and tools to be used on your site. 
  • Users: Add, edit, or remove users from your VIUBlog site. 
  • Tools: Export or import site contents or personal data, or delete your VIUBlog site. 
  • Settings: Edit settings regarding your VIUBlog site such as who can access your site, how comments are published on your posts, and more. 

Access the Dashboard of your VIUBlog Site

  1. Go to

  2. Click Login with your VIU Account. Enter and login using your VIU Computer Account credentials. 

  3. By default, you will be taken the the Dashboard of one of your VIUBlog sites.

  4. If you need to navigate to the Dashboard of another site you are the user of, you can do so by clicking My Sites in the upper left hand corner of the page. Then, click Dashboard underneath the name of the site in question.

  5. If you ever need to return to the Dashboard of your VIUBlog site, you can do so by clicking My Sites in the upper left hand corner of the page. Then, click Dashboard underneath the name of the site in question.