VIU Campus
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Using Teams at VIU

Install Teams 

Teams can be used in supported browsers, but for the best experience we recommend installing Teams on your device. 

Please Note: You will need to install Teams for Work or School in order to access your VIU Teams account. Windows 11 computers will come with a version of Teams installed that is for personal users. At this time, work and school accounts cannot use this version of Teams. 

To install Teams

  1. Go to the Download Teams page on

  2. Select the Download Teams app button 

  3. Select the version for your device from the options presented. 

  4. Once the installer has finished downloading, open the file and follow the onscreen instructions to install. 

If you prefer to use Teams on your phone or tablet, you can search for the Teams mobile app in your device’s app store. Teams on mobile has only one version for all users. If you use Teams for personal communication as well as work or school, you can set up all of your Teams accounts in one app on your device. 

Test Your Setup 

Before your first Teams meeting and anytime you make changes to your device setup, such as connecting a new microphone, it’s a good idea to test your audio and video to ensure you won’t have trouble during your meeting. With the Teams desktop app for Windows and Mac you can make a test call to confirm your microphone, speakers, and camera work as expected. 

When you make a test call the Test Call Bot with give you instructions for how to record a short audio message which will immediately play back for you to hear. The test call will end automatically and you will see a summary of the test call on your screen. If you could not hear the bot or your own recorded message you can make adjustments to your settings and try again. The recording you make will be deleted once you leave the test call. Microsoft does not retain or use recordings from test calls. At this time, the Test Call Bot is only available in English. 

To start a Test Call

  1. Click on the three dots in the upper right of the Teams window to open the Settings and More menu. 

  2. Click on Settings. 

  3. Go to Devices. 

  4. Click the Make a test call button 

Using Teams

If this is your first time using Teams or you need a refresher, the IT department has curated a collection of Microsoft resources that will help you get familiar with Teams. Microsoft also has quick start guides to introduce you to the basics.

Log in to Teams

To log in to Teams (as well as the other Microsoft Office 365 tools you have access to) you will need to use your VIU email address ( and your computer account password. Your Microsoft login will also require 2 step verification using your phone number, mobile app or other method you designated when setting up your account. 

If you are having any challenges logging in or have questions about your account, please contact the VIU IT department ( or see the Accounts and Password resources on their website. 

Get Help with Teams

Both the Centre for Innovation and Excellence in Learning and the VIU IT Department can help you if you have questions or need help using Teams. 

Contact CIEL 


Phone: 250.740.6179

Drop in: Building 305 Room 511 (Nanaimo Campus)

Hours of operation: 9:00am - 4:00pm, Monday to Friday except days of university closure. 

Contact IT


Chat: Live chat is available at by clicking on Student Tech Help Chat

Phone: 250.740.6300

Drop In: B305 Library Commons (Nanaimo Campus)

Hours of operation: 8:00am - 4:30pm, Monday to Friday except days of university closure.