VIU Campus
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Video Quiz Analytics

If you have created a video quiz in VIUTube, you can view how users responded to the questions in your video quiz in the Analytics tool. 

  1. Navigate to VIUTube and select Usage & Analytics from the Main Menu (waffle icon in the upper right hand corner). 

  2. On the next page, select Gradebook.

  3. In the quiz selection menu, find the course and the name of the quiz in question.

  4. Select the Get Result button to display your student's responses. You will be able to see the final score for all students who have submitted the video quiz. You can also click on the student's name to view more detailed information about their video quiz attempt. 
  1. Log into VIUTube and select Usage & Analytics from the Main Menu (waffle icon in the upper right hand corner). 

  2. On the next page, select Gradebook.

  3. In the quiz selection menu,  find the course and the name of the quiz that needs to be graded. 

  4. Select the Get Result button to display the quiz responses. 

  5. Click on the name of the student who you wish to grade.

  6. Under the attempt in question, click on the applicable question response in order to see the submission details.

  7. Based on the submission, select either Correct or Incorrect.

  8. Click Save to save your changes. 

  9. Repeat steps 5-8 for each student. 

If you have attached a Grade Item to your video quiz, the grades from the video quiz should automatically sync to your VIULearn gradebook. However, if your quiz contained a Short Answer question that needed to be manually marked or if your grades did not sync automatically to the VIULearn gradebook for any other reason, you can manually push grades from the VIUTube gradebook to the VIULearn gradebook.

  1. Click the Main Menu icon (waffle icon) in the top right corner of the page and select Usage & Analytics.

  2. Click Gradebook from the navigation sidebar. 

  3. Select the course that the Video Quiz is published to and then the name of the Video Quiz.

  4. Click the Get Results button.

  5. Click the checkboxes next to the names of the students who grades you would like to push to the VIULearn gradebook. Click the Sync Gradebook button and select On-Demand LMS Student Gradebook Sync option to push the selected student's results to the VIULearn gradebook.

    Alternatively, Click the Sync Gradebook  button and select On-Demand LMS Quiz Gradebook Sync option to push all results to the VIULearn gradebook.

  6. Navigate to the VIULearn Grades tool to confirm that the VIUTube quiz results have synced successfully.