VIU Campus
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Grading Quiz

Most question types in VIULearn can be automatically graded. However, if students are submitting written responses you will need to manually grade those questions. There may also be times when you want to review a student's attempt at a quiz and adjust the automatic grading. 

When manually grading a quiz, you have two options. You can grade entire quiz attempts or you can grade all responses to a single question.  

  1. From your VIULearn course homepage, select Assessment in the course navigation bar. From the drop-down menu, select Quizzes.

  2. Click the downward arrow next to the quiz you would like to grade. From the drop-down menu, select Grade.

  3. Click on the student's attempt

  4. Provide any feedback you wish in the Attempt Feedback field. 

  5. Edit any Score input fields necessary.

  6. If you wish to provide feedback on specific questions, click the Expand question feedback text. Write any feedback in the input field provided.

  7. Once you have finished editing, click the Save Draft button to save your changes or click the blue Publish button to save your changes for students to see. 

  8. Click the arrows in the upper right hand corner to move to the next student's attempt. Once you are finished grading, click the Back button in the upper left hand corner. 
  1. From your VIULearn course homepage, select Assessment in the course navigation bar. From the drop-down menu, select Quizzes.

  2. Click the downward arrow next to the quiz you would like to grade. From the drop-down menu, select Grade.

  3. Select the Questions tab.

  4. If you don't want to see students' names while grading, check the box for Blink Marking. 

  5. Click on the question you want to grade. 

  6. By default, you will see one response per page. You can use the drop down menu at the top of the grading screen to increase the number of students you see on each page. 

  7. Enter marks and feedback for your students, saving frequently. When you have finished grading, click Go Back to Questions to return to the Questions tab. 

  8. Once you are finished grading, you can publish your grades and feedback from the Attempts screen (steps at the bottom of this page) or navigate to any other area of your course. 

Publish Quiz Scores and Feedback

If you have not set your quiz to automatically publish grades and feedback, you will need to manually publish the results of your quiz. Your quiz must have a Submission View set to show the attempt score and quiz questions with user responses in order for students to see their score and any question feedback you have written in the Quiz tool. The overall quiz score and attempt feedback will be available in Grades if you have connected your quiz to a grade item that is visible to students

  1. From you VIULearn course homepage, select Assessment in the course navigation bar. From the drop-down menu, select Quizzes.

  2. Click the downward arrow next to the quiz you would like to publish. From the drop-down menu, select Grade.

  3. By default, VIULearn will only display 20 students per page. In order to release student's feedback all at once, you will want all the students to be displayed on the same page. To change how many students are displayed per page, scroll down and click the per page input field. From the drop-down menu, select either 100 or 200 per page to get all your students on the same page.

  4. Select all the students on the page by clicking the checkbox next to the First Name, Last Name column.

  5. Click the Publish Feedback button. 

  6. Click the blue Yes button to confirm.