VIU Campus
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Password Protected Pages

When creating Posts and Pages in VIUBlogs, you will be given the option to set the Visibility on that Post or Page. You can choose whether to make the Post Publicly available to everyone, Private so that only Site Administrations and Editors of your site can view that Post or Page, or you can choose to make the Post or Page Password Protected. When Posts or Pages are password protected, this means that users must enter the password that you have set for that Post or Page before they will be able to view the contents on that Post or Page. 

Create a Password Protected Post or Page

  1. In the Dashboard of your VIUBlog site, click either the Posts or Pages tab in the navigation sidebar. 

  2. Click on the Post or Page you wish to add a password to. Alternatively, you can create a new Post or Page by clicking the Add New button.

  3. By default, your Post/Page's Visibility setting should be set to Public. You can view this information by looking underneath the Status & visibility tab in the navigation sidebar. Click the text next to the Visibility setting to edit the Visibility settings for that Post/Page.

  4. Click the checkbox next to Password Protected

  5. Enter in the password for that Post/Page in the Use a secure password field. 

  6. Once you have finished, click the Save Draft or Publish button to save your changes.